Life with his Siberian Gaby

Luis E Ortiz from Puerto Rico Hi: I’m an accountant so as you can imagine I have to spend long hours at my desk. I have a small office at home. He keeps me company while I’m working either on my lap of on the chair next to me. I’m moderately allergic...

Niko in his new home

Kari Heald – I am so in love with Niko already. After a morning flight he arrived at his new home and acted like it was no big deal. He played all day, took a nap with me, cuddled on the couch and watched Netflix with me, had a nice dinner, played nicely with...

Hypo-Allergenic Siberian Testimony

Roxanne Figueroa testomony of their Siberian Cats From Croshka. “My son and I are severely allergic to cats, yet neither of us have had any reactions. We purchased 2 kittens and they have been amazing. We cuddle with them and they roam freely around our...

New Litters of Hypo-Allergenic Kittens

Spring has sprung with kittens being born at Croshka Siberians. We have several different colors of kittens available and possible colorpoints due next month. Siberians are Hypo-Allergenic to most people and a wonderful family pet.

Dr. Oz has a Siberian Cat!!

Even Dr.Oz has a Siberian Cat of his own. View the video and hear what he has to say about Allergies and the Siberian Cat.